Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Time again to refresh this page with some insight about myself. I once again realized that I should have started my work earlier. but oh, well, I will catch up I suppose. I'm facing some new challenges, specifically, about to lead my own group of students at a juvenile detention center for a writing workshop. So, what do I have to be nervous about. I'm not worried about the surrouding, or their reaction, but my ability to gain their interest. How do I make writing interesting and be genuine, yet reserved and cautios. I'm afraid of messing up. For a while there I thought my classes were going great, and actually a bit slow. Now that I have homework and reading piling up, I become lazy in everything else. Last semester it lasted for a while. I have to find a way to get out of it. All this seems pretty typical/boring/confessional writing. It's a tease. How about saying I want to get wasted and quit work? That's still pretty common.

Here is a new poem, just in case

I am
silver blue
on the edge of
thinking that i am myth
of individual
based on feeling
by the sun
and one dog chain
my mother overheard
two gueros saying
“been to progreso?”
“it’s like not a damn Mexican there knows how to finish concrete”
and I stood there
watching our ROTC march by
their arms clapping
pride and eyes
of Missouri
loving every minute of
cheerleaders, citrus
festival cold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool poem. Angular, clear, muscular language. The line that makes it is that quote in the middle, how it just comes out of nowhere and really serves as a counterbalance to the description in the rest of the poem. Then the poem becomes more than just mere description. There is something certainly political about it. I think the journal thing that you started is a great thing. I notice how your poems are gaining more and more momentum; you are getting more of a sense of yourself, more assured. Post more stuff.