Monday, January 5, 2009


I went back to work: meeting and students. Most interesting part of today. I went to the bathroom at work and found some graffiti high above one of the toilets. Didn't have my camera, so no picture, but maybe tomorrow. Point is, what was their point? Past semester (and few days ago) I read on graffiti artist. Driving around downtown McAllen, there are some good attempts...but what was the point of this one. It's difficult to describe, but it started off with words, then became a drawing in mid stroke. If you would say it was gang related, that wouldn't make sense because which other gang is supposed to see it? Self-promotion is more likely, even then, who is supposed to see it? It reminds me of all the other places bathroom graffiti is pervasive. At the Falfurrias gasoline station/truck stop and at the Texas Thrift Store. Maybe today's graffiti was meant to change people's comfort zone, but it seems so common to me. I'm more curious about who and why. That was the most interesting of today...scribbles on the bathroom stall.

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