Monday, October 10, 2011

Catching Up

is difficult when I have too much. Full-time work at the university & teaching three courses at another, and besides that trying to maintain a stable home life. [oh yeah, i forgot i was participating in an weekly creative writing workshop] A mentor told me in passing "Be Carefull" and she was right once again. I feel tired, behind in both my jobs, and unhappy with home.

Somehow I get small pleasures in: music, photography, friends. This is a photograph I took this photo last week. I like taking  pictures. It's relaxing. It's also a positive challenge.

Anyways, still plenty to do. Right now i should be working and organizing. but i needed a break. I hope someone is reading this. if you are, i apologize for the randonmess, lack of benefit from reading this blog. But, as a "treat" I will include my revision of my "chicano" poem.

I know of changes i want to make, including: having different spellings for "chicanos" as well as adding lines, such as "even chicanos/go to jail".


even chicanos

get asco
at a prieto
and light siblings

even chicanos

visit pocho-
and don’t come back

even chicanos

hide behind
jesus, maiden
names, and peacocks
even chicanos

chug budweiser
screaming mother
¿por qué no me visitas?

even chicanos

marry mexicanas
own two kids
and live complacently
ever after

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