Sunday, July 26, 2009

Love for Sale

Is it right or wrong?

I'm watching Cowboy del Amor. Here is the premise: a matchmaker unites American men with Mexican women. I know it's wrong. But there's something about it that makes sense. Is it that different than meeting someone at a bar or an online site? Perhaps I'm not looking at the big picture. A man pays to meet a Mexican woman. Is it different than a man paying to meet an American women. In some ways. I know some people will say it is taking advantage of a poor area, especially considering Cuidad Juarez and its crime against women. Then others will say it is of the women's own free will. Is there a right here? Hidden intentions, secrets? It's smart business for sure. People have been as foolish in Las Vegas, but maybe it seems the money makes it wrong: the profit.

I haven't been writing as much as I should be. I'm kinda lounging around letting myself get bored and distracted. I will get my act straight. Soon.

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