Thursday, December 10, 2009

Social Networking

is crazy, so I avoided it as long as I could. But now I am on facebook. If you want my contact information, just place a comment on here.

I haven't been in the mood so much to write, but at one reading it was said we should aspire to write every day. Lately I have aspired to forget that I have a thesis to complete. Not that I won't complete it, but I think just taking time to forget about it and go back. I have looked over some of my older poems and I wanted to place one on here since I haven't done that in a while. The poem I have in mind might have been written while I was in Austin. Just busy with holiday things so far. This blog is wandering like I do through most of the day. Confused about the possibility of a Ph.D program. Am I good enough or do I really want to complete it. It just might be que estoy buscando algo que hacer. Pero la verdad es que quiero publicar y quiero un negocio. Que chistoso, que las cosas que quiero tambien les tengo mucho miedo. Aver, voy a escribir el poema pero no es el original.

que tengo de mi padre,
la sangre que tal vez
es un poco de moreno
porque a mi padre le dicen chino
tu cabello que es medio circulos
sobre cada uno.
tengo sangre de machista
y infiel. la sangre
de mi tio clemente
y hijos que si no son de una
son de otra.
sangre que me vuelve loco
porque no me la puedo sacar,
ni con palabras de matrimonio,
ni pelo que me corto.
de cualquier manera las patillas
se me enchina
y los glóbulos de rojo
blanco, y verde
es una mezcla
de corajudo,
silencio, y
tranquilidad peligrosa

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