Monday, November 30, 2009

12 minutes

Until I can get out of work. And then I will be meeting w/ friend at Buffalo Wild Wings for some food, thought not wings, because it seems like such a little piece of meat. We will be watching Monday Night Football and me doing nothing more than relaxing before tomorrow, which I am taking off from work and hoping to productively use to cash my check and work on thesis. Yes, thesis which I avoided during the Thanksgiving break. Although by Sunday I think it backfrired because I spent most of the day in that type of mood where you just want a reason to argue. Damn, it's impossible for me to avoid that mood every once in a while. Part of it is my curiousity to see what disaster will happen or how well I can control my bad mood. It never works out. Por eso dicen que tengo tanto coraje. Pero no es coraje, es que me fastidio con las cosas que nunca hago. Ya se, es mi culpa.

So writing on blog helps a bit with being able to be random and not expecting a response [usually].

Here is a random dream from last night, one I haven't had in a while.

1. I dreamt that sometime in the middle of the semester I realize I had been missing a class [as in not attending]for most of the school semester. The rest of the dream deals with me avoiding a complete F or wondering what should do to fix the situation. What does dream mean? I'll look it up later but I hope it doesn't have anything to do anything with inadequacy. lol

2. Second dream was a mixture of school and past. I was in a lecture hall in a Math course, once again one I had not attended in a while, and when I show up I see on one side of the lecture hall my younger brother seating with three old acquaintaces/neighborhood classmates of mine. I never really talked to them, it was just a matter of them living in the same neighborhood. Anyways, one of the hood people starts telling me how they killed my dog. [some background information, they were talking about an actual dog of mine which died when he must have twisted his head within chair. It was strange, sad]. When hood guy was telling me the details I yelled something like "Fuck you" or along there and went to the other side of the lecture hall. At first there were some students where I sat, but slowly they started to head out until I was sitting on that side by myself. End dream.
Okay, so that must mean something, right? lol Who knows. For now, maybe ever, it's just a dream.

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