Wednesday, March 4, 2009


It's been getting busy at work. Students are arriving for advisement of the Summer I, II, and Fall semesters. The best students always get here early. Later in the semester the students unsure about their grades seek advisement. Sometimes it is too little to late; unfortunately. Besides work I am reading Chuck Palahniuk's "Diary: A Novel" for the monthly Book Club. This is the guy who wrote "Fight Club" also famously known as the Brad Pitt film. I'm halfway through and you can tell there is going to be some surprise in the end ala "Fight Club". I just hope it's not lame, like it was all a dream, or this woman has supernatural powers transferred through her paintings.
Talking about "transferring" I have been thinking about the word "transference," which I first encountered in another Book Club novel, "Lying on the Couch". It's summed up as projecting feelings and ideals onto another person. I think it happens a lot. I think in one way it is happening with my brother preparing for Freshman year in college. I'm losing sight of his graduation. I'm skipping over that and already imagining him signing up for a dorm and classes. I would call that making him grow up too fast. I hate it, because the next I have thought about it clearly and in my own way I try to apologize and explain myself to him, by text. I think he understands after my explanation, but I don't want to miss out in his growing up. I missed out on my lil sister growing up, and even now I may feel a bit guilty because I should have helped her more in finishing her college education. Every year that passes it feels that it may be getting to late. Guilt is strong.
When I mention to most people that I am going to New Orleans, and then they realize I am going alone, I also feel some guilt. But I want to go alone to be able to write. Sometimes the guilt wears off fast, today it's going slower. Otherwise, I am excited about New Orleans. I will be staying at India hostel, very nice and basic accommodations, and I am prepared to visit some jazz clubs, art scenes, and museums. But I don't want to overdo the cerebral so I will also have a couple of drinks, possibly museum, and aquarium. So far that is all I have figured out. Maybe a swamp tour and a few coins at the casino.
I don't want to over think it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't feel guilty! Enjoy yourself dam it! We don't hate you, we be envious of you because you know how to be a poeta!