I just realized I haven't talked about applying to Canto Mundo. It was a bit last minute and I am optimistic I will be chosen, although the reality is that I won't. My poems could use some extra work (i always think that, do you?) and I'm not sure if I fit their criteria. They mention identifying with Latino/a, but i'm trying to identify with poch@. That is my project for the year. Create a description and identity for poch@, just as Latino/a and Chicano/a have earned their titles. Maybe I should just start writing about poch@ based on my thesis work. I need to review all the definitions i obtained. I hope I still have that work and I wasn't stupid and deleted it. I will check later tonight and post on the topic again.
On another note, I'm running a 10K this weekend which means no drinking. I am mentioning that so I stay away from alcohol, even though poch@ research would go well with it. After Saturday.
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